Zen / gtall1
The word of "zen" that we often see in articles recently, is very interesting. It has been said that the late Mr. Steve Jobs got hints from zen and released such as simple products around the world. So how these two words of "zen" and "simplicity" relate each other?
Here, what I would like to make clear is that it is better for you not to expect to get something from "zen".
"Zen" is to know yourself to make your heart empty.
To empty your heart empty is simply that there is no thoughts in your mind. Even if they are positive or negative thoughts. It is possible to imagine better with doing it, that the chances of self-satisfaction and regret could be reduced gradually.
故スティーブ•ジョブス氏が「禅」から影響を受け、シンプルさに重点を置いていたというのが分かり始めてきましたね。氏だけでなく、その他の成功者の多くも、シンプルさを大切にしてきたと言われています。このことは、「Simple is the best」という表現があるように、説得力があります。
The late Mr. Steve Jobs inspired by zen and put priority into simplicity is now more understandable. Not only him, but also the other successful people have thought simplicity is very important. This makes sense as we have the expression "Simple is the best".
It might be good idea for people who do not give up their dreams to make their heart empty and study about simple attitude. I always wish your success.
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